COVID-19 Guidance and Support

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the architectural profession and the construction industry, and has adversely affected many members of the EAA and the RIAS. The diverse effects of the pandemic on the industry and the wide-ranging impact which it has had means that it can often be difficult to know where to go to find helpful advice or information.

The RIAS has compiled a range of resources and information from a variety of different sources to provide a centralised source of advice and guidance for those in the architectural community impacted by the pandemic. This resource page has been updated over the course of the last nine months to provide up to date guidance where possible, and links to other sources of information and support which may be helpful to members. It can be found through the link below:

The page covers advice for business about complying with Scottish Government Coronavirus Regulations, help for individuals seeking to understand their employee rights or access financial support, and links to other helpful sources of information.

EAA Secretary