Saturday 3rd July 2021

11:00 - 12:30


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Have you ever wondered what its actually like to work in architectural practice? Join the Edinburgh Architectural Association’s free event for the opportunity to gain an understanding of the nitty gritty of running projects, being part of a design team and the everyday life of a practicing architect.

 Each session will be hosted by two members of the Edinburgh Architectural Association who will be joined by an Edinburgh-based architect as they informally discuss one of their current projects over a Saturday morning coffee.

 Rather than focusing on beautiful renders and the finished project, the discussions will aim to delve into the details of the project process; planning and building warrant stages; construction drawings, design considerations and problem solving.

 Unlike most online events, your questions won’t exclusively be saved for a Q&A session at the end. All participants are welcome to engage and guide the discussion. Although these events don’t require any attendee participation, we would like to actively encourage attendees to turn their cameras on throughout the event and actively engage in the discussions. You will have the opportunity to unmute and ask your own questions at different points throughout the event, or simply type questions into the chat box for our co-hosts to read out on your behalf.

The final event of the series will be with Kieran Gaffney of Konishi Gaffney who has provided the following introduction:

‘Konishi Gaffney was set up in 2010 following the completion of our own self-built house where we acted as architect, client and builder. That project was an invaluable experience and taught me how it feels to be the client and to understand the difficulties of being a contractor. Currently the practice is led by Kieran Gaffney and has 3 employees, all part 2 students working towards their part 3. I will show one project which won the EAA small project award in 2019, from inception through design, planning, warrant and construction. I’ll show the process and the problems too: warts and all!’

This event series is a unique opportunity for ESALA undergraduate students currently on placement, looking for a placement or just generally interested in learning more about being a practicing architect. So grab your Saturday morning beverage of choice and we look forward to seeing you there!

Please note that this event is exclusively for ESALA undergraduate students.