About the EAA

The Edinburgh Architectural Association’s mission is to create an approachable nucleus of architects and student architects to meet and hold events to stimulate thought and discussion and to share common aspirations. We aim to form links with other construction and arts-related bodies and to promote our skills and expertise to the public.

The EAA is a Chapter of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) and has over 1300 active members located from the Scottish Borders, through the Lothians to Fife, with an incredibly talented and diverse membership.



Are you a member of the RIAS and live within the EAA Chapter area? Then, yes, you are automatically an EAA member!

Membership Criteria: If you are an RIAS member (Architect, Student, Retired or Academic) based in the City of Edinburgh, the Lothians, areas of the Scottish Borders including Berwickshire, Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles, and Southern Fife, you are a member of the Edinburgh Architectural Association.


The EAA is managed by the EAA Council. Joining the EAA Council or contributing to one of the working groups is easy!

To get involved, contact us at mail@eaa.org.uk to let us know that you are interested and we will send you further information.

The EAA has several working groups which focus on key aspects of the EAA Strategy:

If you are interested in a particular area covered by the EAA Working Groups, please get in touch. The groups are always looking for new volunteers and members to help to support the advance of architecture within the Chapter area. You do not have to be on EAA Council to be a member of the working group.

The EAA value the benefits of having different experience, backgrounds and points of view on our working groups and would encourage volunteers from underrepresented groups within the architectural profession.

If you have a specific issue that you wish to address please contact the EAA President at president@eaa.org.uk

Council members


Neil Middleton


Architect | Freelancer | 5-a-sider

Neil is an Edinburgh based architect and has been working on freelance projects throughout Scotland since the end of 2020. He joined the EEA council in 2022 to become more engaged with the wider architectural community.

Emma Garland


Architect | Bibliophile | Maker

Emma is a chartered architect and joined the EAA in 2022, having studied and practiced architecture in Edinburgh for the past 16 years. Emma has worked across a variety of sectors, most recently focusing on residential and urban design, with a particular interest in the opportunity architecture has to make positive societal and environmental change.


Dan Anderson


Pianist | Nature Enthusiast | Architect-in-Progress

Dan joined the EAA as a student representative in 2019, and previously served as Vice President from 2020-23. He leads on the website, social media & communications for the EAA, as well as supporting the organisation of the annual awards.

EAA About Us_IMAGE_Joanne_McClelland.jpg

Joanne McClelland


Optimist | Creative | Determined

Joanne is a conservation accredited architect with passion for convincing everyone that a fairer world will make a happier world. People, profit and planet.


Alex Liddell

Architect | Dreamer | Critic

Alex is a co-opted member of the EAA, and leads the EAA Competitions group. He joined the EAA
to advance the debate on design and to promote good architecture.

Sofie McClure

Architect-in-progress | Designer | Photographer

Sofie joined the EAA as a student representative in 2023 and studies at ESALA. She currently works in an Edinburgh-based architecture practise for her Part One experience. Her interests include photography, sketching and organising events.


Charles Strang

Collegiate | Green | Scot

As a retired architect-planner I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to other architects' work, and enjoy their stimulus. Governance, strategy, policy, and a just green transition are other interests, as is a belief that community-based conservation management plans are the way forward.

Mariana Novosivschei

Curious | Hopeful | Perseverant

Mariana is an architect dedicated to making the practice of architecture more mindful of supporting all life without infringing on our broader planetary system. She joined the EAA in 2022 and is currently chairing the EAA's Sustainability Working Group.


Fraser Graham

Architect | Liberal | Geek

Fraser joined the EAA Council in 2023. He works for a conservation focussed practice, with a passion for rescuing historic and at-risk buildings and working to improve historic building fabric for a greener future. He is also passionate about improving CPD within the profession, and is working on this as part of the Education Working Group.

Seva Yurchenko

Ayla Riome

Jens Bergmark



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EAA Members Handbook (revised edition coming soon)