CHAPTER REPORT | Spring 2020
by Ben Rainger, EAA President
The last quarter has been another busy period for the Chapter!
We have been progressing with the change in Charity structure to become an incorporated charity (SCIO) to limit the liability of the trustees and members. Additionally, the Communications Working Group, led by Christina Gaiger have been progressing the development of a new website to make the EAA more accessible and improve communication with Chapter members.
A soft launch was carried out for the submission of entries to the 2020 annual awards. Keep an eye out for future developments at
Working groups have continued to work to promote the chapter hosting Let’s Talk About Conservation and Let’s Talk About Part Three events and planning CPD and events for the year ahead. Unfortunately, these are now on hold as we all deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Competitions group have been working towards launching a photography competition on Instagram to showcase the contrast of old and new architecture in Edinburgh. We will be reviewing this and looking into a way of adapting this to accommodate social isolation and movement restrictions.
We have set up email addresses for some groups for chapter members to contact with suggestions or issues they would like to raise. These are:
Let’s Talk About Part 3 : EAA Events Series
The EAA launched our annual awards in January and received about 50 submissions across all the categories. The judges are in the process of reviewing the entries and are announcing the Shortlist in April. Unfortunately, the judging visits and awards ceremony have been postponed. We are hoping to be able to re-arrange the awards for a date later in the year.
At our last Council meeting Karen Stevenson presented the RIAS strategy. We welcomed the direction of travel and discussed various items at length and offered suggestions for their development. We look forward to the framework and timetable for implementation being finalised. The EAA will continue to assist the RIAS in developing the strategy and looking at potential crossovers and opportunities for working together.
The EAA are aiming to hold an online AGM in April using Zoom. Will be sending out invites to members to join us and hope to see you there. We will be electing new office bearers from those who have been nominated. The nominees include, the re-election of Ben Rainger as President and, Alice Henderson as Vice President with Daniel Anderson standing as a new Vice Presidents to replace Nicholas Taggart who is standing down and new Council members to replace those whose terms have come to an end. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to those retiring council members. You have all been essential members of the organisation. Hopefully you will continue to be involved through the Working Groups and you will return in the future.
Lastly, I hope that you are managing to stay safe and healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please keep an eye on your friends and colleagues. Its good to talk and we are stronger together.
“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Ben Rainger EAA President